
YouTube Live Event - Why YouTube Sucks (even though it's good)

by Austin Washington

I just saw some of the YouTube live event, and it bothered me.

Because, it's ruining something nice.

That is - although YouTube sucks in many ways (you can't deny the stupidity, small-mindedness, and basic nastiness of humanity when you read the comments!), the good things about it are those (relatively rare) times when people do something personal and heartfelt. (Or funny as all hell.) But, it's when, ultimately, they are doing something to do it - for its own sake - not because they want to be part of the shmorgasbord of inanity that makes up the mainstream media.

So, the problem with the YouTube live event, in my opinion, is not so much that it took all these people who were doing it for the love of it - like, the street dancers, or the parkour people - and gave them what might be an intoxicating dose of demi-ephemeral celebrity.

It's that it puts that idea into everyone's head. Like, you shouldn't do it just cuz it's cool - you should do it so you have the chance of immersing yourself in a Lindsey Lohan world.

Like, one of my favourite things on YouTube is this video.

I've written something else about it elsewhere - (not yet posted) - but, in essence, it's not that it's somewhat funny that makes it so compelling. It's that there's some innate camaraderie between twins (they're twins!), that is compelling in the way The Beatles were compelling - there was a kind of camaraderie that you feel, even if you didn't realise it. It's why The Beatles were more loved (and are!) than bands and musicians that are arguably better musicians. That is, better in so many ways but the "X Factor". But, I think the X factor is, in The Beatles and that video of those twins, the sense of camaraderie, which has this very important result - those twins, and The Beatles, both a) make you feel you know them, and b) are doing it at least as much for themselves, as for anyone else. They're doing it to amuse each other, and/or impress each other....

Which enables you to like them, y'know? Or else, even if they're talented, part of you can't help but think - you prick. Get a life - why do you care if I like you?

See, people view "entertainers" and "artists" - well, artistes (performing artists) - as a kind of commodity, not people. Everyone would be repulsed by the tabloids if they really thought of its victims as people. But, they don't.

Even thoughtful people don't view artistes as people. Like, I just saw this in a review on Amazon, about someone I really like - it said

This band is going to have a short life, where Patrick Wolf will be peaking in about two or three years.

It's like he's talking about the f***ing stock market, or something. They're people, for chrissake.

So, the Youtube Live Event, and the ethos it represesents, takes people who have talent, and, encourages them to become - well, check out this video - it's from the kid from whom the twins (in the video above) got the beat for their rap - this guy is, by any supposedly objective standard, better. And in this video, he is making the same point I'm making - obviously, much better than me! ;) But you don't like him nearly as much as the twins, you can just sense, he wants you to like him. I mean, that's the point of the (comedy) rap. "Please like me! I deserve it, even though I don't have big tits!" Which makes you not. (You don't like him as much both because he wants you to like him and, let's be honest, because he doesn't have big tits! Hey, we're all human...)

Cool Stuff, Free Stuff, More Stuff, Here! (It's, um, my mailing list sign-up form! Thanx!)

Why YouTube Sucks (even though it's good) - the YouTube Live Event

by Austin Washington

I just saw some of the YouTube live event, and it bothered me.

Because, it's ruining something nice.

That is - although YouTube sucks in many ways (you can't deny the stupidity, small-mindedness, and basic nastiness of humanity when you read the comments!), the good things about it are those (relatively rare) times when people do something personal and heartfelt. (Or funny as all hell.) But, it's when, ultimately, they are doing something to do it - for its own sake - not because they want to be part of the shmorgasbord of inanity that makes up the mainstream media.

So, the problem with the YouTube live event, in my opinion, is not so much that it took all these people who were doing it for the love of it - like, the street dancers, or the parkour people - and gave them what might be an intoxicating dose of demi-ephemeral celebrity.

It's that it puts that idea into everyone's head. Like, you shouldn't do it just cuz it's cool - you should do it so you have the chance of immersing yourself in a Lindsey Lohan world.

Like, one of my favourite things on YouTube is this video.

I've written something else about it elsewhere - (not yet posted) - but, in essence, it's not that it's somewhat funny that makes it so compelling. It's that there's some innate camaraderie between twins (they're twins!), that is compelling in the way The Beatles were compelling - there was a kind of camaraderie that you feel, even if you didn't realise it. It's why The Beatles were more loved (and are!) than bands and musicians that are arguably better musicians. That is, better in so many ways but the "X Factor". But, I think the X factor is, in The Beatles and that video of those twins, the sense of camaraderie, which has this very important result - those twins, and The Beatles, both a) make you feel you know them, and b) are doing it at least as much for themselves, as for anyone else. They're doing it to amuse each other, and/or impress each other....

Which enables you to like them, y'know? Or else, even if they're talented, part of you can't help but think - you prick. Get a life - why do you care if I like you?

See, people view "entertainers" and "artists" - well, artistes (performing artists) - as a kind of commodity, not people. Everyone would be repulsed by the tabloids if they really thought of its victims as people. But, they don't.

Even thoughtful people don't view artistes as people. Like, I just saw this in a review on Amazon, about someone I really like - it said

This band is going to have a short life, where Patrick Wolf will be peaking in about two or three years.

It's like he's talking about the f***ing stock market, or something. They're people, for chrissake.

So, the Youtube Live Event, and the ethos it represesents, takes people who have talent, and, encourages them to become - well, check out this video - it's from the kid from whom the twins (in the video above) got the beat for their rap - this guy is, by any supposedly objective standard, better. And in this video, he is making the same point I'm making - obviously, much better than me! ;) But you don't like him nearly as much as the twins, you can just sense, he wants you to like him. I mean, that's the point of the (comedy) rap. "Please like me! I deserve it, even though I don't have big tits!" Which makes you not. (You don't like him as much both because he wants you to like him and, let's be honest, because he doesn't have big tits! Hey, we're all human...)

Cool Stuff, Free Stuff, More Stuff, Here! (It's, um, my mailing list sign-up form! Thanx!)

Pop Music Butterfly Effect

by Austin Washington

There is this famous story by Ray Bradbury, in which someone goes back in time. It's a dinosaur hunting expedition. But they're cautious. They realise that if they change something in the past, they change the present. If they kill the dinosaur that evolved to a poodle, they'd get back, and - no poodles! (That's my example, not theirs...)

So, they set up a metal path of some sort, above the ground, so they don't even step on anything.

A scout goes back ahead of time (so to speak!), and looks for a dinosaur dying. Notes the precise time. The direction he falls! (He might have crushed/killed things when/where he fell...)

They get their wealthy clients to go back to that same place/time, and shoot the dinosaur. In the same direction he'd be falling anyway. Not much of a sport, but neither is golf. Since they shoot it at exactly the time he was dying anyway, and it falls in the same direction they figure they've not changed the past, so won't change the present. (Except for befuddling paleontologists, wondering why they're finding 200-million year bullets. But, y'know, it's just a story - with a point.)

Once, on one their hunting expeditions, one of their wealthy clients steps off the path.

He steps on, and kills, a butterfly.

No biggie, they think. Just a butterfly, right?

The point is...

Think about it - what would the electric guitar be like had Jimi Hendrix been hit by a bus when he was seven?

Elvis had a twin brother who died as a baby (?) - well, died when young. I know I could google it, but I like to just write from memory. You get the point. What if both twins had died? Or it had been the other way around?

What would pop music have been without Elvis?

If Mark David Chapman had shot John Lennon in 1964, rather than 1980?

Look at Australia. Just a few generations, a couple of centuries - and there was always travel, and today there is modern communication - and yet they speak with a far different accent than the English. Even neighbour New Zealand has a different accent than Australia.

What if you have one egg, rather than two one morning? Will that make you fall in love with a different person?

Supposing you re-tie your shoe on the way out the door.

Will that save your life? Or get you killed? You might be, or not be, in some kind of accident, based on...1/100ths of a second difference in time...

Thinking of those thoughts, I put below, the first two videos I've found that were like videos might be if someone, at some point in the past, stepped on a butterfly.

The more I find, the more I'll post...

Stairway to Help

Speaking of Austrialia....

This is an Australian Beatles cover band - the funny thing is, once this song gets into your head, you can't get it out!

Answers the question - what would happen if Jimmy Page and Robert Plant had been in The Beatles?

Sopho, Eurovision

Non europeans and europeans alike know Eurovision as being - God, I hope this is right! - I don't like googling when I write - I'm PRETTY sure it's what launched Abba!? It's this song-writing contest. It is known for having lots of really cheesy music.

Anyway, in The Butterfly Effect - the story - when they come back to the present, things are slightly more...fascistic. Kind of like if the Nazis had won World War II, I guess. Also, words are spelled differently...funnily enough, exactly like the world this video seems to come from.

Dancing with swords?! (Please don't get me wrong - I think this singer kicks ass in all ways - I'm a total supporter, and in no way disparaging her.) It's just that she clearly comes from a totally different culture. So different from western Europe...

Description: This is so insanely cool, but you've got to wait 'til about half way through for it's true weirdness - in the best sense -to come out.

It's like the daughter of some fascist general in a repressive country with thinly veiled s&m tendencies (the country? the girl? the general? all three?!?) has amazing talent but used nepotism to represent a Borat like country, and, um...it's just the dancers dancing with swords, and - the kind of manic energy she gets, yet wearing a ball gown. I just find it TOTALLY rocking. (I don't mean to cast aspersions on Sopho - I'm sure her father really ISN'T a fascist general...it's just...)

Y'know that story by Ray Bradbury (I think?!) "The Butterfly Effect"? Some guy goes back in time, and only changes one thing - steps on a butterfly. And he returns, and everything seems the same at first...but just, different. It's like that. A manic, beautiful, girl sings a song backed by people with weapons, in a ball gown...it rocks my world, is all!

Austin Washington

Cool Stuff, Free Stuff, More Stuff, Here! (It's, um, my mailing list sign-up form! Thanx!)

The Only Song That Makes Me Cry - Drupi - Sereno è

by Austin Washington

This is the only song in the world that makes me sad.

My girlfriend - no longer - and I went on a trip to Tuscany once.

We started in Warsaw, and were going to drive the whole way - but her parents kind of freaked out at the last minute. Roads in Poland - and then Chech! - leave something to be desired.

Anyway, we grabbed some CDs from her father's gargantuan collection, took a train, borrowed a car in Vienna...and drove the rest of the way.

it's funny the way people follow at a respectable distance in Austria, and, the second you cross the border to Italy, they tailgate. Like, it's the same people.

Anyway, her father had millions of CDs, but wasn't Mister Generosity. We only had a few, which we listened to over and over. (And the bastard wouldn't lend me the CD at the end of the summer to copy! Ah, well...)

Anyway, one we had with us was of Italian pop songs from...the 80s? Maybe 90s - not sure.

And this was the song of the summer for me.

I know it's simple, The chord progression has been done a million times.

But it reminds me of that summer. That girl. Those days, those times...

You'll never understand. But I'll never forget.

Sereno è
Rimanere a letto ancora un po'
E sentirti giù in cucina che
Gia prepari il mio caffè
E far finta di dormire
Per tirarti contro me.

Sereno è
Ricordare il primo giorno che
Sei salita sulla moto mia
Noi due soli senza compagnia
E la volta che hai guidato tu
Dentro al fosso a testa in giù...

Sereno è
Scivolare dentro il mare e poi
Senza il peso dei pensieri miei
Giù nel buio la conferma che
Lassù in alto sempre tu ci sei
Che alla luce aspetti me.

Sereno è
Dare un calcio ai grattacapi e poi
Con un bacio fare pace noi
E sentirmi come tu mi vuoi
Raccontarti un sacco di bugie
Per poi ridere di te!

Austin Washington

Cool Stuff, Free Stuff, More Stuff, Here! (It's, um, my mailing list sign-up form! Thanx!)

Beatles 8mm Hollywood Bowl - rare and coooool!

by Austin Washington

I found this on Youtube, but not many people had seen it.

It's frigging cool!

Someone, back in..1966(?)...was at the Hollywood Bowl, with an 8mm movie camera, with no sound.

First - The Beatles, as a live act, sucked, mainly, during their years of fame. They were just horrible.

Elvis, Buddy Holly, on the Ed Sullivan show - I'll find some videos and post them, but watch them - they are legends, and you can tell. Then look at The Beatles. Out of tune, lame, no stage presence.

They were brilliant at recording, and Lennon/McCartney were great song-writers, but, as for live performance...?

And yet!!! Here, we see, The Beatles, totally, kicking ass! One of the Youtube comments said they were like a precursor to punk. Attitude, and...they were GREAT.

And...it's THE BEATLES.

So - this was NEVER filmed, professionally. There is no film of this ephemeral thing...and, it's so sad...the films I've seen of them all, basically, suck.

So...this person synched up his/her 40 year old 8mm film, with the professional recording of that concert - and it totally kicks ass.

And it's The Beatles!

I just think it's so cool....

Austin Washington

Cool Stuff, Free Stuff, More Stuff, Here! (It's, um, my mailing list sign-up form! Thanx!)

Stairway to Help

by Austin Washington

I saw this the other day, and couldn't resist - I think this is hysterically funny!

As lots of people don't know everything - who does?!? - to explain: it looks like The Beatles in the early days on some TV show, and the arrangement is exactly like that - but it's Stairway to Heaven, which in the US, at least, is a legendary song.

It's so cool to know that, for example, there are people who come to this site from, say, China, who have no idea who Led Zeppelin is. I'm not saying people from China don't necessily know! Or that it's wrong! Not at all!!! It's just, my friends from Asia often like, more, poppy pop music than, say, Led Zeppelin.

In the US, it's on the radio constantly - it is SO annoying, even though I guess it's a good song. It is so famous, so well known, that's it's hard to know if it's good or bad -it just is - like the sky! It's ubiquitous - always there!

So, it's funny to see it sent up this way!!!

Austin Washington

Cool Stuff, Free Stuff, More Stuff, Here! (It's, um, my mailing list sign-up form! Thanx!)

Stealing Music is Good

by Austin Washington

Stealing music, sharing mp3 files, is good.

This way, people who make music will make less and less money, until, one day, the only people left making music are those who make music to make music.

And the music will be better.

I just made a video making that same point, which I'll post soon!


Cool Stuff, Free Stuff, More Stuff, Here! (It's, um, my mailing list sign-up form! Thanx!)