
New PopMusic.com -

Hey, this is Austin! :D

PopMusic.com used to be a way cool site, then it wasn't, now I hope for it to be so again.

I've been offered TONS of money just for the domain, but, see, the thing is - you ever see the Blues Brothers' movie? - they say they're on a mission from God.

I feel like I've been granted this special mission - 1000 people around the world, each day, say to themselves - hmmm...what would happen if I typed PopMusic.com into my browser?!?!

Maybe it's more a mission from the muses than a mission from God, but it's a damned - excuse my language! - mission - and I take it seriously.

I have understanding, but great pity, for people whose values get corrupted, and end up viewing music as some thing, some product, some....thing.

It's not, you know!

It's magic!

So, the new PopMusic.com is going to be put up over the next couple of days, right before your very eyes!


Austin W!

President of Pop Free Music List!

(chance on a free iPod, free music

(yer email...!)


(clearly, this list is just for music, and is,
almost, never used - and when it is, it's for cool, free

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